Wednesday, August 28, 2013

say it ain't so

I’m still in shock over the horrible, shocking, DEVASTATING revelation on last night's summer finale of Pretty Little Liars.
In typical PLL fashion the last minute of the episode left viewers with our favorite teacher trading in his signature vest for an all black ensemble bursting into A's/his classy new lair in a fit of rage.  But what was he so angry about?

This is by far the {biggest reveal yet} and since I’ve been #teamezria since the pilot, I took this one pretty hard. 
I’ve gone over it in my head and discussed with my closet PLL confidants and I think it comes down to two options.

Either Marlene King, creator/writer/producer/director, aka Queen of all things PLL, is pulling our leg once again.  Ezra can’t be A!?!?


The world as we know it is over. Dear ol’ Mr. Fitz has been playing us (and Aria) from the beginning.

So let me break down our two possibilities:
Option 1:

If she’s done it once, what’s stopping her from doing it again?  Remember when gasps echoed across the world as Toby turned around to reveal himself as a part of the evil A Team. And then he was dead for like 4 episodes?? LIES ALL LIES! Of course Toby was just trying to protect his lover Spencer and her friends from the torturing menace that is Mona and the head honcho herself, Red Coat (aka Cece Drake)

[SIDE BAR: Is anyone else furious that once again these pretty little liars let someone else get away.  It's Rosewood ladies, let’s not assume anyone is dead just because they fall from a high place (See Ian Thomas and the Bell Tower)]
So we can hope that maybe this is the case once again. Ezra loves Aria, as we’ve seen time and time again, so it’s hard to imagine he’s been after her and her friends all along.

Option 2:
It is very curious that Ezra entered Rosewood just around the same time that our 4 ladies began getting texts from the mysterious “A.” Also, Mr. Fitz has been seemingly absent from some of the girl’s most traumatizing events, i.e. the Halloween Train, the fire, the bell tower. Plus, let's be real- it's not like he's against breaking the law (hello! slept.with.his.student) Some may also argue that Aria has gotten off easy when it comes to A.  She was locked in a box with a dead guy but the rest of the girls have endured some serious physical and psychological damage.

[SIDE BAR: I did read an interesting theory on Twitter last night that alluded to Aria and Ezra being a Bonnie and Clyde esque evil team.  It’s kind of hard to imagine but wouldn’t that be a rich twist.]

Other things/people to consider: Shauna/Jenna/Wren/Melissa/Malcom
How do all of those people fit into this new development?

Honestly when it comes to PLL you never know who to trust or what to believe so now it’s time to wait until the epic Halloween episode and winter season in January. 

I’ll leave you with this,
Nothing is ever as it seems in Rosewood.